Fully Booked!!! 17th – 28th of September 2015
Please take note that all our accommodation between the 17th - 28th of September 2015 is reserved for our bi-annual Sweat Lodge Ceremony. Thanks for your consideration. Please do join us for the Sweat Lodge Ceremony, more info Click Here, bookings are done via Stella...
How much silence is still healthy?
(Or venting about audio troubles in paradise…) A rather very odd question you might think… especially when you are inundated/polluted daily with layers of noise. Then finally on your weekend off, maxing your cards, and blasting your weeks fuel budget you head for the...
Sacred Sweat Lodge Ceremony with Tim Sikyea
In two month it's time again for our Sacred Sweat Lodge Ceremony with Tim Sikyea:
New Phone Number!!!
We are back on line, although not with Telkom, as they keep battling with constant cable theft. So in the meantime we decided to go with a VOIP phone. Our new number is: +27 23 004 0459 The phone will be switched off during night time, as it uses WiFi technology,...
Back on Line
After almost one full month of no phone lines and intermittent internet connection we are back... or at least the last two hours the phone did not stop ringing! An experience like this makes you realise again how essential proper communication is even at the end of...
The Telkom Blues – keeps playing on…
Perfect for the 1st of May even Telkom is taking a break. Hence our phone connection is down again... to be exact since 17:20 today, midway through a phone call the lines were GONE again... The last interruption lasted for 2 weeks, let's see how they do this time?!...
Soulful piece of Mountain
After a busy Easter Weekend here some encouraging feed-backs - even from CapeNature: Great natural and cared for environment. Eco friendly for sure. Awesome abseiling, walks and mountain bike trails. Alone with Leopards and stars. K.Y. 15.04.2015 Thanks, you have an...
Boots and All
Ever wondered where is what at Simonskloof? Often we’re asked in an e-mail: How far is Faraway cottage from Orange or Eric’s Place? Are the cottages private and have un-interrupted views? Where does the Gecko Trail start? How far is it to the rock pool or to the Jetty...
Sacred Sweat Lodge Ceremony
Only 45 days until our 7th Sacred Sweat Lodge Ceremony with Tim Sikyea:
In Memory of Shorty
Sad news... Shorty or Half-Tail, as celebrity Bush Chef Justin Bonello named “our” GPS collared Leopard, is dead. Shorty was said to be shot by one of my neighbouring farmers near Rooihoogte pass after he caught him in a trap set to protect his flock of sheep. It...